Sunday, July 20, 2014

Back in the wilderness

Spent Saturday and Sunday with John and Patty Woodland in their frame yurt on Riverbend Road in Superior, MT.

John and I are both members of the Marlboro College class of 1973. As near as we can remember, we last saw each other in 1975 before John went back to New Jersey.

Their home (including 4 cats, 5 (I think) goats and some chickens) is next to and with a spectacular view down on the Clark Fork. Patty's cooking was amazing topped off with a cherry pie with a vanilla bean crumb crust for Sunday dinner.

But the best part was the several hour hike and lunch that John and I took on the State Line trail in the Superior Ranger District of a National Forest. It runs along the crest of the Bitterroot Mountains. The wildflower profusion was astonishing. The white flower I was fascinated by on Friday is Bear Grass and it was everywhere.

The last few photos were a panoramic view from the top of a rock protrusion on the state line. It's a wild and wonderful country.

We need to get together more frequently than every 39 years.

1 comment:

  1. I dearly love the mountains and the slower pace of life! This is beautiful! I am unfamiliar with the bear grass but it intrigued me, too!
